Ramadan Mubarak! By the lunar Fatimid calendar, today (Saturday 28th June) is the 1st of Ramadan. The Mecca-centric calculations of The Fiqh Council of North America (affiliated with the Islamic Society of North America) also concur with the lunar calendar in declaring today the 1st of Ramadan. Most moonsighting communities have not yet confirmed a…

Arguably there is more drama surrounding when Eid starts than when Ramadan starts, because after a month of fasting the issue is a little more urgent 🙂 This year was no different, but there was added drama in the Gulf region due to a startling near-admission of error from the Saudi religious authorities. It seems…

My position on moonsighting vs calculation has always been simple: to you be your way, to me mine. Muslims should not squabble over the differences that arise every year about the start of Ramadan and the date of Eid, but rather should accept that there are differences in fiqh and entrust that the individual Muslim…

I suppose it’s inevitable that most blog posts during Ramadan focus on food and fasting in some way. After all, that is the defining act of piety in Ramadan. The act of fasting also tends to dominate most news stories during Ramadan about Ramadan. This story however has a twist – it’s more about the…

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