Two questions worth asking: What if the Green Revolution fails? And what if it succeeds? If it fails, I argued that we still have to engage Iran, just like we continued to engage China after Tiananmen Square. Doing otherwise will guarantee more totalitarianism, not less – is there any evidence that sanctions and diplomatic isolation…

UPDATE: Another eyewitness claims to have been at Baharestan Square and saw no violence, though the scene was “tense”. At this point it is impossible to know what to believe. We have to wait for the mainstream media to do their thing and try to use other sources to corroborate. Oh my god, if this…

The fact that Iran could “promote” its own democracy should be enough of a refutation in and of itself to the neoconservative agenda. — LOG true indeed, even if the Green Revolution falters. In the end, the seeds of the regimes destruction are being sown. The best they can do is put it off for…

The Supreme Leader of Iran, last week: The race has endedwhoever has voted for these candidates will receive divine reward.they all belong to the statethey have gotten closer to god by voting, they havethere were 40 million votes for the revolution,not just 24 million for the winnerThe people have trustTheir votes will not go in…

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