Here is the law of the United States (Title 8 of the U.S. Code, Section 1401) on what constitutes a “natural born citizen”: The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: (a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof; (b) a person born in…

and in particular kudos to Erick Erickson for taking a firm (albeit small) stand in recognition that the “Birthers” are just as crazy and harmful as the “Truthers” and deserve to be treated accordingly. Banning crazies on your website is a good first step. Now, the conservative movement needs to hold its leadership to account…

I’ve gone on enough about the nuttery (and yes, racism) of the Birthers who are besieging the last remnants of sanity in the Republican Party. It’s only fitting, therefore, that the wackiness continue with the rise of Deathers, who insist that President Obama and the Democrats’ plans for health insurance reform amount to forced euthanasia…

Daniel takes rightful issue with an off-hand comment of mine, that he was putting a “positive spin” on Birther nonsense: As Aziz and other long-time readers must know, I am not normally in the business of providing positive spin for Republicans. Given my criticisms of the dangers and problems of nationalism for conservatives and for…

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