This is just laughable – the right-wing World Net Daily, which boasts of “over 200 exclusive reports on the eligibility issue”, has issued a breathless report that Obama’s actual year of birth was 1957, not 1961 as was previously thought – based on a typo on the President’s MySpace page. They breathlessly point out that…

Palin still insists that death panels are a reality: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin refused to retreat from her debunked claim that a proposed health care overhaul would create “death panels,” as the growing furor over end-of-life consultations forced a key group of senators to abandon the idea in their bill. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa,…

UPDATE: I owe Daniel an apology for my unintentional implication below. Also, I lay out my argument for why Birthers are primarily racist in that post as well. President Obama is 48 years old today, and the lunatic “Birther” movement is taking advantage of the occassion to get some non-deserved media exposure for their claims…

For years, critics of the Bush Administration have noted that Vice-President Cheney wielded enormous power that was essentially beyond any oversihgt by Congress or the Judiciary. His infamous declaration that he was a “fourth branch of Government” was an attempt to place all actions within the protective shroud of “executive privelege”, a claim deried by…

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