I don’t subscribe to the view that any invocation of Hitler in a debate is an automatic defeat (the so-called “Godwin’s Law“) but it is definitely true that equating various people to Hitler appears to be a national pastime in election silly season. Case in point: the Republican Jewish Conference has declared Obama’s presidency would usher in…

I’ve previously addressed the “non-citizen smear”, but as a public service here is a summary for the benefit of anyone who may still doubt the eligibility of Barack Obama for President according to the Constitution: the Obama campaign has already posted a copy of Obama’s birth certificate on his campaign website Snopes.com debunks the “non-citizen…

The story was sensational, and suspiciously stereotypical in invoking racial prejudices and conservative dogma about liberals’ irrationality. Sure enough, it was also a hoax: Ashley Todd, of College Station, Texas, confessed to making up the story about an attacker scratching a letter “B” into her face with a knife and will be charged with filing…

As many have heard by now, Obama is suspending his campaign for a couple of days to fly out to Hawai’i to visit his ailing grandmother. Normal human beings with compassion and love in their hearts would hear this news and say a prayer for his family, and recognize a basic human impulse in the…

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