This is eerie – Barack Obama’s amazingly consistent smile, culled from the official US State Department photo set on Flickr of Barack and Michelle Obama meeting various dignitaries and heads of state last week at the UN: I find this as utterly captivating as The Infinite Khan.

Ramadan is pan-Arab television’s holy land – a month-long sweeps, where the post-fasting masses hunger for entertainment. As a result, there is intense pressure to compete and innovate for new programming. One of the recent hits is Freej, the first 3D animated TV series for the region, about four diminutive veiled grandmothers. The show is…

Mike Licht breaks the news – it’s time to start singing “Cold Hearted“: Entertainer Paula Abdul has been named to the Death Panel mandated under the new U.S. Healthcare Reform bill. We have been unable to confirm either of the facts in that last sentence, but that hasn’t stopped anyone else from making statements on…

Behold – a shocking video exposé of impending Islamist takeover in the United States! Amerabia is nigh! Aieeeeeeee! (really, the last minute is the important part) Now, I’m tempted to mock this mercilessly as I did with the Dawah Doll, but there are plenty of humorless jafis out there who tend to take me literally…

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