What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?

There are just a handful of prayers left. These are the last hours and days of Ramadan, the end of the appointed time when our prayers and acts of piety are amplified. Our consciences weigh heavily with the thought of all the hours we wasted until now, where we could have engaged in more devotion and dedication to Allah. There is only a small amount of barakat left for the taking.

The final night of Ramadan approaches and I will spend it in ibadat, praying Nisf al-Layl and tahajjud, doing tasbih (also known as dhikr) and Qur’an, praying salaam upon the Prophets Adam AS, Musa (Moses) AS, Issa (Jesus) AS, and Mohammed SAW; and remembering the sacrifice of Imam Husain AS. I will do fervent dua, for my hopes and aspirations, for my family, friends, and children.

And after that final night will come the final fast.

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