Africa always seems to get less attention than it deserves, which is remarkable given how enormous it is, in terms of sheer geography and population. I bitterly complained earlier how muslims worldwide favor injustices by Jews on muslims in the Middle East and tend to ignore the far more serious plight of muslims in Africa,…

President Obama has publicly stated his desire to see the creation of a Palestinian state by the end of his first term. There’s substantial progress from the Palestinian side – Hamas has announced it will cease rocket operations and says it wants to be part of the solution, accepting a state in pre-1967 borders, according…

I haven’t yet read the Dan Brown thriller Angels and Demons, so I was unaware that there was a muslim stereotype present in the book until I read this news report, which makes minor mention of some changes to the film’s plot: Howard admitted he took “a lot more creative license” with this adaptation of…

This is yet more evidence of an ingrained Islamophobia among the core GOP faithful that is both ugly and yet sadly predictable. At a Republican meeting in Fort Worth, Texas, the idea that muslim citizens of the United States are inherently disloyal and untrustworthy by virtue of their faith was not only entertained, it was…

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