The Church Basement Roadshow

In the memorandum that we sent out to hosts for the Church Basement Roadshow, we delicately requested a healthy meal before the show (i.e. No pizza). The organizers of our first three shows interpreted “healthy” in exactly the same fashion and presented us with a meal of roasted chicken, green salad, pitas and hummus. We…

While chatting with Mickey Maudlin after our show in San Francisco on Thursday, he happened to mention that Harper One had flown N.T. Wright over for the day to appear on The Colbert Report. Well, the adrenaline rush of the Rollin’ Gospel Revival makes it hard to get right to sleep at night, so I…

From the San Diego Union-Tribune: It’s not often that you can go out for an evening and enjoy book readings, musical theater and a spiritual message – all in the same place. But that’s exactly what happened for those who showed up for “The Church Basement Roadshow: A Rollin’ Gospel Revival” Sunday night at Christ…

Pomomusings says, “In addition to simply being a time of book promotions and craziness and zany antics (all of which will keep you laughing), there are moments of beautiful poetry, autobiographical reflections and being challenged theologically. Doug shares about pursuing a Christianity that makes sense with your own lived experience, a Christianity that doesn’t make…

SEE THE RIGHT SIDEBAR FOR INFO AND TOUR DATES Julie flew in to SFO last night and joined us halfway through the show. We had a great night at the Inn, including a midnight burrito on the streets of the Mission District — it felt very San Francisco! The two of us got up early…

We had a great time in the ‘burbs of Sacramento last night in a bright, gleaming new church on a hill. After a beverage in the parking lot with some of our volunteers, we pulled out the RV for the drive to San Francisco. At about 12:45am we heard some mad flapping on the starboard…

(See right sidebar for info and tour dates)Three forty-year-old guys in an RV all summer, pretending to be revival preachers from a century ago. Sounds unlikely? Well, it is. And just about every night, sometime during the show, I have an out-of-body experience in which I float above my body, look back at myself, and…

For Info and Tour DatesShow update from Fresno, CaliforniaAfter a lovely day off (our only one of this leg of the tour) we rolled into Fresno, California to University Presbyterian church. The people were friendly, helpful and encouraging. This is a really great church. Chris Erdman, who is a great guy, is the pastor, but…

Click here for Info and Tour Dates We received this nice note from one of our opening weekend hosts: A quick note to say how thankful we are that you rolled through our town. The Spirits fires been a blown’ a bit crazy since ya’ll left this here small town!!! and that Balm sure does…

The 40″ Country Coach Tribute 260 that we’re driving is not our own, nor are we renting it. It is owned by a longtime friend and all-around great guy, Michael Toy. Michael is also a sporadic blogger, and he’s written about his experiences on opening weekend HERE. “it is really hard to write the next…

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