Christ News Today

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Richard Lorenzo Jr. is a Christian pastor, but that wasn’t always the case. At one time, the ex-warlock was embroiled in the occult, engaging in evil and urging others to do the same. However, that all changed in 2019 when Lorenzo accepted Jesus. He recently told CBN Digital, “I definitely was possessed. I was hearing…

As the war between Israel and Hamas completes its first month, Biblical scholars are pointing to the war as a possible completion of a prophecy in the book of Ezekiel. Nearly a week after Hamas paratroopers attacked and killed concertgoers on October 7th, Harvest Church’s Greg Laurie speculated on the event’s connection with Biblical prophecy. “Interesting…

The producer of a new documentary movie about the Bethlehem star says he believes technology and science can affirm the reliability of the Bible and be a powerful tool to draw skeptics into the church. The film “God of Heaven and Earth” offers a compelling case of how the three Wise Men followed astronomical events…

@freechapel / X
Free Chapel Church in Gainesville, GA, extended its revival services for the second week in a row after a call to revival exploded from its altars. It all began on October 23rd during a planned service with evangelist Perry Stone, Jr. as the guest speaker. Stone was set to close out the church’s “Sign of the…
A Catholic exorcist is warning against using occultic tools like the Ouija board, sounding the alarm that such actions could open demonic doors. Fr. Dan Reehil, a priest with the Diocese of Nashville, told Fox News the spiritual realm is authentic and must be taken into account, noting the perils of forgetting its presence. Reehil…
Dr. Mary Neal is a successful spinal surgeon whose near-death experience has inspired millions. Her story, told in Angel Studios’ new movie “After Death,” unfolded on a South American river when she became submerged while kayaking and says she visited heaven. She recently told CBN Digital, “My husband and I are avid kayakers. We’ve kayaked…

lausannemovement / Flickr | Inset: Adobe stock
With the Halloween season in full swing and many people participating in spooky traditions, Pastor John Piper spoke against a common practice that some Halloween participators consider “fun”- communicating with dead spirits. The discussion came up as part of Piper’s “Ask Pastor John” series. While many Halloween participants may be familiar with the ideas of…

A Michigan couple was in for a surprise while cleaning out an abandoned semi-trailer left on their property. Joyce and Larry Schramm, who own a storage facility where the semi was abandoned, told WJBK-TV they discovered a 172-year-old Bible filled with letters, cards, and marriage and death certificates. Even more remarkable, the Bible was the…

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is celebrating God’s movement during its Fields of Faith(FOF) event at Lakeside High School Stadium in Hot Springs, AR, on October 11. Micah May, multi-area director for FCA South Central Arkansas, reported that over 3,000 people, mainly students, attended the event. He credited God for the event’s success. “We…
A Mississippi teacher was reprimanded after the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) found out the teacher had been leaving prayer cards under students’ desks. The teacher, who has remained unidentified, was apparently found out through a Facebook post. A local grandmother in the area had posted about encouraging friends to pray for students in public…

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