President Trump’s core support base is evangelical Christians, but according to his former lawyer Michael Cohen, Trump has disrespected them on more than one occasion. Evangelicals, who make up one in four Americans, were credited with helping Trump win the White House with 80 percent voting for Trump in 2016. In Cohen’s new book, “Disloyal:…

The National Day of Prayer was created in 1952 and is a call for American’s to “turn to God in prayer and meditation”. It’s held on the first Thursday of every May, and every sitting president has celebrated the national holiday since it’s inception. President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, along with Vice…

The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem was celebrated by over 90 million Christians across 170 countries, and more than 1,000 Christians traveled from across the world to join Christian and Jewish leaders at the Haas Promenade for an interfaith prayer. Overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem, the people prayed for peace and…

When was the last time you saw people really, truly getting along with those who were different? The odds are that it’s probably been a while. Oh, there is no doubt you have seen people who are of different races, genders or sexual orientations who seem to be the best of friends, but what about…

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