Security has been heightened in Garisa county after a group of al-Shabaab militants ambushed a bus in Garissa county on the morning of Friday, killing two Christians on the spot. According to International Christian Concern, the terrorists, armed with AK 47 refiles, ordered the passengers off the bus and demanded to see their identification, in…

Over 2,000 years ago, Christ told His followers to take up their crosses and follow Him. Over the centuries, many Christians have done exactly that. They have faced persecution, hatred and innumerable trials as their way of taking up the cross. One modern man, however, has taken that imperative very literally. Patrick Styles hails from…

In all the worst ways, Rome has risen again for Christianity. Christian persecution is becoming commonplace across the world. In areas like the Middle East, it is a long-standing problem that has gotten worse. In other places, violent persecution has suddenly become a major issue. India falls in the latter category. In recent years, India…

It is not news to most people that Christianity is declining in the West, especially in Europe. It may hearten American Christians to know, however, that their determined hold on their faith has been noticed. A recent study by Pew Research examined what it is like to be a Christian in different countries around the world…

The persecution of Christians continues to increase around the world. Claiming Christ in parts of the world can lead to violence, imprisonment and death. One of these places is Iran, where Islam is the official religion. Iran’s government just gave four Christians a very harsh prison sentence – 45 years – for their faith in…

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