Chattering Mind

Thanks Sierra for alerting us all to Linda’s yoga blog. Click here to read.

Thanks to the reader who brought this Houston judge’s unusual sentence to our attention. The case was publicized some in January, but I missed it. Today, I tried and failed to find James Lee Cross through Houston directory assistance. I’d like to know if he has thus far experienced any of yoga’s benefits. Anyway, here’s…

Nutrition powerhouses Sally Fallon and Mary Enig (the authors of “Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats“) write passionately about the “dark side of America’s favorite health food”–SOY–in the July/August edition of Well Being Journal. Researchers and doctors are seeing thyroid dysfunctions in sensitive women who consume as little…

Yoga is peaceful, and class is usually quiet. But some 800 people registered to take one of six yoga classes in the large traffic island within Times Square on Thursday, an all-day event organized by the Times Square Alliance in honor of the summer solstice. From the New York Times’ write-up: Guardrails surrounded the group…

If you have a sensitive child who has been diagnosed with ADHD or any other developmental delay, you may want to attend the upcoming “Building Bridges” conference, September 15-17, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The organizers emphasize what’s miraculous and amazing about so many of these kids. And parents who’ve been through the diagnostic process will…

Meet Meet Mark Patterson. He opens his mouth, and sounds come out. Patterson knows his sounds soothe. Now he’s beginning to research how his sounds might heal. Patterson has no training in music or Tibetan throat singing. The sounds, he says, just move through him. He writes: “I was given the ability to heal others…

The New York Times asked Julie Kleinman, director of programming for the Yoga Works chain of studios, to test a wide assortment of yoga mats. Here are the mats she liked best for their stickiness, stability, and environmental consciousness.

Watch this culture war between a tribe of water buffaloes and six lions vying for a captured calf. Thanks to the mom blog SnipsSnailandPigtails for alerting me to this. Takes eight minutes to view.

As I recently examined a pearl necklace my mother left me, holding it up to my neck in the mirror, I thought: “Gosh, it’s too bad I will never, ever, wear this.” But take note of what spiritual jewelery designers are doing with pearls today. There are other ways to mix and string pearls in…

Two readers–Barb and Anonymous Also–posted yesterday to say that they’re not completely “getting” the merits and methods of meditation. Thanks guys, for your honesty. Valid points. Great questions. I’ve gathered some links for you that will help. First, here’s Robert Wright’s interview with Vipassana teacher Joseph Goldstein in which they discuss what meditation is and…

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