Chattering Mind

Here’s the transcript of a sweet conversation from Ken Wilber’s blog on how to bring shamanism into an integral framework. People who study shamanic disciplines–like everyone else excited about a spiritual practice–sometimes think that what they’re learning is “all there is,” and the intensity of the spiritual work can drive them away from thinking inclusively…

Monika Bauerlein and Clara Jeffery, the editors of “Mother Jones” magazine, have put together a dynamite issue on what’s being called the Sixth Great Extinction, the possibility that half of all plants and wildlife could become extinct by the 2100. Here’s a link to their introductory column to the issue which proposes a new Age…

Don’t repress your healthy anger! But don’t explode either. This study seems to show that fear is harder on your body, than angry feelings. But here’s something else revealed by the same researcher: People who responded angrily after September 11th, “were more optimistic about risk,” and preferred an aggressive response to terrorism than the merely…

It’s a good idea to have your Vitamin D levels checked in your next blood test. Many women are discovering that their levels are seriously low, and vitamin D deficiencies have recently been linked to various kinds of cancers, breast cancer especially. Developed in the body through direct exposure to the sun, vitamin D can…

Bravo TV network has hit upon a successful formula that melds “Survival”-style endurance reality with “Idol”-inspired contests. My family adored Bravo’s “Top Design”–a show in which talented interior designers battled against each other every week for the “Top Design” title, creating lots of great-looking rooms in the process. We made it the one thing we…

Here’s a book that sounds great and was favorably mentioned in today’s New York Times: “The Sneaky Chef: Simple Strategies for Hiding Healthy Foods in Kids’ Favorite Meals” by Missy Chase Lapine. And don’t forget, the web’s best site for fun, nutritious, portable meal ideas. Scroll through Jennifer McCann’s loving bento box blog and…

Need a breather? Try this. It’s Beliefnet’s new matching game, a test of your intuitive recall powers.

Ebenezer Scrooge changed over night. Sure, it took the visits of three ghosts, but…Paris Hilton might change too. Already she seems to have made more progress than Martha Stewart ever did! Apparently, Hilton’s maybe-life-isn’t-just-about-parties transformation began before her jail term commenced. In late May, she was seen affiliating with such books as the Holy Bible,…

While researching home remedies for wasp stings online for my brother-in-law (a cut raw onion placed on the bite soothes inflammation), I came across the most wonderful resource–The People’s Pharmacy. If you’ve never heard of Joe and Terry Graedon, authors of the original 1976 bestseller “The People’s Pharmacy®” I’m happy to be introducing them to…

Click and scroll down to see this trailer for a documentary film about the Technology Entertainment Design (TED) conference, called “the hottest gathering in the world” by the writers of Wired magazine. It sounds like a cooler, hipper, smaller World Economic Forum to me where issues of corporate responsibility, sustainability, climate change, and the role…

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