After just nine months, the Eliot Spitzer experiment is over at CNN.

What seemed like a desperate hire to begin with, the disgraced ex-New York governor was initially teamed with virtual unknown Kathleen Parker.

They weren’t an engaging pairing or all that interesting to watch, and Spitzer sputtered on his own a few months longer.

Credit the L.A. Times for the best line over the matter: “Hey, Anthony Weiner is out there if CNN wants to go in a new direction.”

This could be his slogan: “For a commentator with real muscle, turn to Anthony Weiner”.

Like them or not, FOX News has the best political personalities in Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity and no one CNN can throw at them will work … it’s been proven over and over again.

Instead of trying to match up vs. FOX News, the network should try something REALLY bold at night.

Go back to airing news.


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