Casting Stones

By Dan Gilgoff When Mitt Romney stands before the nation tomorrow to deliver his much-anticipated “religion speech,” evangelical Christians will be listening particularly intently. Though polls show that one in four Americans feel squeamish about voting for a Mormon president, an even higher proportion of evangelicals–more than one in three–feel uncomfortable doing so. They view…

I guess Hillary has started her negative campaign. You know, if he nuanced this a little and spoke about how precious life was, he may be able to pull away some pro-life voters if it’s a Rudy/Obama race. Here’s what NOW said about his abortion voting record in Illinois: During Senator Obama’s 2004 senate campaign,…

He needs to hire someone to brief him on the news of the day before he meets with the reporters. He is looking very unprepared to this nation in a time of war: Kuhn: I don’t know to what extent you have been briefed or been able to take a look at the NIE report…

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! That’s what this race has become. Republican presidential hopeful Fred Thompson Monday said he didn’t need to apologize for his faith, despite concerns from Christian conservatives that he does not express his religious beliefs enough on the campaign trail. “As far as faith is concerned, I have not made…

Is the media going to push Huckabee to give the JFK speech the way they’re pushing Romney? In the near future, the coverage of Huckabee will be an interesting exercise. How will reporters – most of whom cover politics, not faith – cover the theological underpinnings of a Huckabee candidacy? Most reporters can catch ‘inconsistencies’…

Beliefnet contributor Rabbi Brad Hirschfield , author of You Don’t Have To Be Wrong For Me To Be Right, Finding Faith Without Fanaticism, offers this post on a “What Would Jesus Do?” question about the death penalty at last night’s Republican debate: For any of us who believe that religious convictions can inform our political…

The most important political question in the Democratic race is whether Barack Obama will win the black vote. We forget that in 1988 Jesse Jackson won 13 primaries and caucuses while appealing to a smaller sector of the white vote than Obama does. If Obama were doing as well among African Americans as Jackson did,…

Comparing himself to McCain, Thompson and Giuliani on the gay marriage amendment as the only one who is for it but he leaves out Huckabee (who is also for it): For the first time, Mitt Romney is using direct mail to contrast his record with his GOP rivals. In a piece that has just hit…

Yes, politics does make for strange bedfellows, doesn’t it? Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, an underdog Texas congressman with a libertarian streak, has picked up an endorsement from a Nevada brothel owner. Dennis Hof, owner of the Moonlite BunnyRanch near Carson City, said he was so impressed after hearing Paul at a campaign stop in…

If this is true and he leads in contributions, it will be a sad day for the Republican party and won’t bode well for next year. In an interview to be aired later today on Bloomberg’s Political Capital with Al Hunt, Rep. Ron Paul said he has raised more than $9 million in the past…

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