Casting Stones

As long time readers (I know that we have a couple) know, I’m not a McCain supporter at all but I thought his Christmas ad was quite moving and it made me tear up. Allahpundit thinks he might have been pandering to Christians, reminding us that he was one of us but I don’t care…

They realize that he’s not ready for prime time. I think that might be the answer to Rod Dreher’s question, “Why does the GOP Establishment fear Huck?” I know that would be my answer to that question. They’re afraid that he’s going to be the next Jimmy Carter. Not only is he a populist but…

It’s a nice little ad, focusing on where the voters’ attention is right now: Christmas and politics. He was smart to include campaign issues along with his Christmas greetings. And he brilliantly wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to cover all the bases and not leave anyone out. Nicely done! (I liked the…

After he endorsed Romney. Very strange and confusing for the MSM. Here’s the backstory: The Iowa congressman kept his endorsement choice under wraps so closely that no one knew who he would choose between Thompson or Romney for his nod. The vociferous critic of illegal immigration was said to have narrowed his choice to the…

And he says that he has a theology degree? In an interview with CBNNews in November, Huckabee said “…I truly understand the nature of the war that we are in with Islamo fascism. These are people that want to kill us. … And I don’t know if anybody fully understands that. I’m the only guy…

David writes: “If Mitt Romney isn’t required to face a theological grilling about his religious beliefs, why should Mike Huckabee be subjected to that grilling?” Because Huckabee is campaigning on his “Christian leadership” skills. You can’t blame the MSM for following up on it. He opened the door and he can’t complain if it hits…

By Richard Land Mitt Romney gave an eloquent defense of the positive and crucial rule that religion has played in our nation’s history from the first settlements down to the present day. In that regard, Gov. Romney performed an important service to the nation, because this speech was even more important for the country than…

I was struck by the bald attack on non-believers: “Any believer in religious freedom, any person who has knelt in prayer to the Almighty, has a friend and ally in me.” He went beyond assailing “secularism” (though he did that too), to specifically give non-believers a lower status. Politicians have long decried “secularism,” a vague…

Unbelievable! He makes his Christian faith a major part of his campaign, speaks about it on the stump and even features it in his campaign ads and yet he complains when the press ask about it: Huckabee bristles about the depth to which he’s asked questions about his faith in an interview with GQ and…

Former Massachusetts Governor and current Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is going to give a speech on “Religion in America” tomorrow in Texas. I have been encouraging Governor Romney to give such a speech for over a year now, since I first met with him at his home in Massachusetts. He had invited approximately a…

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