
Dear Ken: I am enjoying our exchange very much and appreciate the civility of our conversation, which is on an often hostile topic that generates ad hominem attacks. I believe we are successfully exploring representative positions rather than simply having a contest to see who can out-argue the other. Let me start with your most…

Dear Karl, Thank you for your kind comments. First, you have enabled me to better understand where “you are coming from” and see more clearly how you view the creation/evolution issue. That background is so important for the both of us so we don’t (even unwittingly) talk past each other. As I see it from…

Dear Ken: Thanks for a most civil and constructive response. Your post is in marked contrast to the atheist PZ Myers’ venomous response on his blog to my suggestion on Salon that evolution and belief in God were compatible. I would say that the atheists are much more uncomfortable with this discussion than the religious…

Dear Karl, I too am glad that we can have an opportunity to dialogue about this issue at a personal level. I do agree that this topic is an urgent and essential one–but the fundamental reason why I say this is because I believe it is a vital foundational issue that relates to biblical authority…

Dear Ken, I’m glad you’ve agreed to this exchange. This topic is perennial, but I imagine you share my view that it’s also urgent and essential. With that in mind, I’ll dive right in–first, to make some general observations on the nature of the creationism vs. evolution debate, and second to offer specific scientific reasons…

Karl Giberson is the director of the Forum on Faith and Science at Gordon College and the former editor of the magazine Science and Spirit. His most recent book is Saving Darwin: How to Be a Christian and Believe in Evolution (take a peek inside the book here). He has published over a hundred articles, reviews,…

Ken Ham is the president and CEO of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum, which has hosted nearly half a million visiitors in its first year. He is the author of several books, including The Lie: Evolution and Dinosaurs of Eden, a children’s book. Ken hosts the daily radio program, “Answers … with Ken…

The problem with using the Bible as the basis for running a society is that it would always be somebody’s interpretation of the Bible, and a worst case scenario is that it might be your interpretation, Mr. Klinghoffer. I too have read and studied the Bible all of my life, and I just can’t recognize…

Biblical wisdom is all-encompassing, with something to say about every private and public concern, yet your approach, Jim, seems myopic. Your passions are aroused by poverty, the Biblical approach to which you misunderstand, and by war, which you fail to appreciate as the normal tool of statecraft that it is in the Biblical perspective. On…

You asked for specific issues from a Biblical perspective. Let’s start with idolatry. I agree with your definition that it is “setting up moral authorities in competition with, or to the negation, of God.” But you then turn it into a partisan polemic against the Democratic Party, and what you call its “aggressive secularism” and…

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