Karl Gibberson Karl Giberson is the director of the Forum on Faith and Science at Gordon College and the former editor of the magazine Science and Spirit. His most recent book is Saving Darwin: How to Be a Christian and Believe in Evolution (take a peek inside the book here). He has
published over a hundred articles, reviews, and essays, both technical and
popular, and written three additional books: Worlds Apart:
The Unholy War Between Science and Religion
(1993), Species of
Origins: America’s Search for a Creation Story
(2002, with ENC
historian Don Yerxa), and Oracles of
Science: Celebrity Scientists Versus God and Religion
(2007, with
Spanish physicist/philosopher and priest, Mariano Artigas). Worlds Apart is the only book on the controversial topic of evolution published by the denominational press of the conservative Church of the Nazarene.

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