I am beginning this blog with a  few rhetorical questions that may ruffle feathers, but like the man about whom I am writing, I am not averse to controversy and mind opening. How can those who claim to honor the birth, life, and death of One who came in the name of love, espouse hatred?…

There is an ancient story that I have heard and shared many times over the years. I pull it out whenever someone mentions that something that has happened to them or someone they know as ‘bad luck’ or ‘bad news’.   A Chinese farmer gets a horse, which soon runs away. A neighbor says, “That’s…

  Easter Sunday at Circle of Miracles is not much like that of other faith communities that celebrate the Resurrection. I spoke there last year; asking “What’s  a nice Jewish girl doing speaking at an Easter Sunday service?”  I explained that the one whose life and death was a testament to love, inspired me to share…

(artist unknown at the moment, but will include the name once I identify her or him) This weekend, I attended a retreat that encouraged me to stretch all kinds of comfort zones, ‘going to my edge’, dropping façade and worn out beliefs about my former identity and donning a new one, in the presence of other…

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