We are all relational beings, coming into the world hard-wired for connection to each other. Bonding takes place in family of birth, if we are fortunate. There are those, sadly, who miss out on the heart and soul safety in the families into which they are born. I have witnessed the impact as I have…

I have been a consummate caretaker, giver, goodie two shoes, apple polisher for as long as I can recall. Even as a little kid, I did things for others so I would be seen in a certain light. Wanting to be ‘loved best of all,’ I thought I could increase the odds that way. I was the first…

As much as I would like to think of myself as open minded, non-judgmental and forgiving, brewing underneath that image, is someone who clenches out of fear, can hold a grudge and cling to self righteous indignation. I have reluctantly peered out to witness with dismay that those aspects of myself have made me less…

Many’s the time I have bemoaned that wished- for experiences had not occurred as I thought they ‘should’. Jobs, relationships, return on investment of my time would wait on the other side of a transparent wall, thumbing their collective noses and blowing raspberries at me. It was then that I was reminded by the inner…

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