According to the website One Billion Rising: ONE IN THREE WOMEN ON THE PLANET WILL BE RAPED OR BEATEN IN HER LIFETIME.* ONE BILLION WOMEN VIOLATED IS AN ATROCITY ONE BILLION WOMEN DANCING IS A REVOLUTION On February 14th, people the world round will dance in support of the obsolete idea that violence against women…

  Before the sun has peeked its late Winter’s beams from behind clouds and the stars have melted back into the black, I am offering Birthday greetings to a man who would have been 89 today.   A fitting time to be tapping away as words spill forth from my grateful heart, since more times than I…

  Imagine  light and energy beaming out from you, radiating in all directions, careening about people around you, even if you don’t speak or have physical contact. Do you wonder what impact that might have? This morning, I had the opportunity to ponder that idea as Kathy Milano spoke at Circle of Miracles. With an impressive professional pedigree…

Everyone should have a mentor; someone to inspire them, to challenge them, to hold them accountable and help them laugh their way through life challenges. I am blessed to have one such in the form of a British born, Brixton raised, humor driven thriver who has been through life stuff that might make you wonder…

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