Today at my job as a drug and alcohol counselor, I was facilitating a group of clients who have varying amounts of sober time and have been actively engaged in treatment to maintain it.  I asked the folks there about their ability to handle particular life stressors. The concensus was “If it’s a good day,…

                                     When you hear the word ‘angel’, what image comes to mind?  Likely that of a glowing, winged being, adrift on a cloud, playing a heavenly harp or singing in a celestial choir. Not quite ‘real’, nebulous, the stuff of fairy tales or hallucinations seen only in the minds of those who are struggling with…

  Every day, I open myself to divine guidance and yesterday, mine came in the form of a message from my friend Cass Forkin who asked if while I was in Sedona, I would pick up a bracelet of deep spiritual significance for her from the Chapel of the Holy Cross.  Had she not asked, it…

                                                                                         Holding the book, The Flower of My Heart: Expressing Love to the World Through Art, I can feel the love resonating, reverberating, oozing, radiating, pulsing through it and from it. At the risk of sounding like a human thesaurus, I would like to express the immense energy that I know went into it, as…

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