This weekend I had the joy of celebrating the Summer Solstice a few days early, with a group of kindred spirits ranging from those in infancy to those in senior adulthood. My friends Stephen and Kathy Redding hosted an annual gathering at their home which is a glorious haven in bucolic Green Lane, PA.  Among other things, he…

                                                                      I love ritual. It grounds me and helps me to feel more connected to the Divine. One unusual ritual in which I engage each Tuesday night is going to my ‘gym ashram’ to ‘sweat my prayers in the key of  Glee’. For those who don’t watch tv or who have been meditating in a cave for…

My friend Joel Metzger posted this story on facebook and like everything else in my life, and perhaps yours as well, it was perfecly timed. Read and discover if this is indeed so. Once there was a young man who had just graduated from university and was walking behind an old man.As he was just…

                                                                  Writing this post as I am sitting in the terminal of the Ft. Lauderdale airport en route to Philadelphia after an end-of-an-era experience of, as one friend referred to it “dismantling my parents’ lives”.  My Dad died in 2008 and my Mom joined him this past November. Since that time, as the executor of…

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