There are times when a book reaches out and grabs the reader by the heart, head and gut all in one fell swoop; stirring up a myriad of emotion, causing a sense of wanting to turn away and read on simultaneously, because it resonates to the core of who we are as…

                                                                        I have known my friend Janet Berkowitz since the early 1980’s when she laughed and hugged her way into my life via our mutual friend Alan Cohen. Back then, she held a secret that I didn’t know about until many years later. This artist, poet, mime…altogether creative soul had been experiencing the darkest…

                                                                                This morning before leaving for work, I received an email from the Go Gratitude folks.  They are focused on the idea whose time is always NOW, that having a grateful heart and mind can open doors to all manner of miracle and wonder. Today’s message highlighted a powerful concept that emerged from one of…

                                                                              Part two Solstice weekend…. I returned to Happy Tree Farm to participate in a service officiated by a sister Rev. named Mirabai Galashan; a chaplain who serves hospice patients and their families, as well as offers spiritual services and presentations. Her soft and elegant style welcomed us under the tent next to the magical lake I spoke of in Monday’s Bliss Blog…

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