It is no secret that I am addicted to words. As a career writer, I live and breathe their essence. They delight me to no end. They are the beat of my heart and the blood that flows through my veins. They are a source of emotional, spiritual and physical support. They feed my right…

  “If  you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it.”- John Irving In this very moment, I am listening to the gurgle-hum of the dishwasher, while my friend Justin Szeliga is installing a window in a room which was painted by my friend…

A video gone viral brings me to tears every time I have watched it.  It was produced by Love Has No Labels and opens by showing two skeletons kissing behind a screen. Thus begins a love-fest which evidences that the societally imposed separation based on gender, age, religion, ability, family form or national origin is an artificial construct. Beneath the…

  “If you could combine the compelling voices of fellow Canadians Sarah McLachlan and Loreena McKennitt, with the soaring throat notes of kirtan singer; best known as Madonna’s back up singer, Donna DeLory, you would have a sense of the magnificent tonings and tunes of Pamela Jane Gerrand. The best way to appreciate her talent is to listen to…

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