Dipping back into the well of wisdom courtesy of the wondrous word wrangler, Rob Breszny, author of Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings

 “Nothing primes your ecstatic skill better than invoking and expressing thanks. So consider the possibility of celebrating regular Gratitude Fests.  During these orgies of appreciation, you could confer praise and respect on the creatures, both human and otherwise, that have played seminal roles in inspiring you to become yourself. Who teaches and helps you? Who sees you for who you really are? Who nudges you in the direction of your fuller destiny and awakens you to your signature truths? Who loves you brilliantly? ”

In this moment, I am full to overflowing with an atty-tood of gratitude. Celebrations galore from last week that lopped over into this week…heck, I’ll take any reason and no reason at all to celebrate life. In the past few weeks, my book, The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming the Ordinary was birthed, just as I was about to turn 53.  Such perfect timing. Book signings, congrats from family, friends and ‘strangers’ who are becoming family of choice; honoring the impact that these words, which are really divinely inspired,  and for which I am grateful to be a channel, have been having on people’s lives is blow me out of the water amazing.  My birthday was honored, as with delight, I received hundreds of well wishes from facebook friends, serenades from friends and my sister, a yummy, homecooked dinner from my son, topped off with a decadently delightful birthday cake (all fat and calories removed, of course). This Saturday had me welcoming sweet  friends into my home for a birthday, pot luck, music gathering. I can still feel the ripples of light, love and energy all around the place. As I gazed around the room, I beheld people from the various overlapping soul circles, some meeting for the first time. Throughout the evening, I stepped back and just observed their interactions, determining that there was a reaon why we were drawn into each others’ lives. I consider my friends my treasures and enjoy sharing the wealth. On that night, I felt like the richest woman in the world.

Tonight I had a ‘same time next year’ birthday dinner with a friend with whom I first crossed paths 7 1/2 years ago and whose impact is woven through my life and so much of who I have become. I marveled with him, at the synchronicities and life lessons that have been a huge part of the gift of our friendship.  As we were eating, I had given him 2 copies of the book; one to give to his mother who is also a friend. I had serendipitously placed a third book in the cloth shopping bag before I got out of the car, not quite sure why, but guessing that by the end of the night, I would discern the reason. My friend held up the book and proudly informed the waitress that I just published.  She replied “In ten words or less, tell me what the book is about.”  Being a writer and speaker, of course I was not able to limit it to ten words.  I shared briefly and then told her that the best way to discover was to read the book. Naturally, SHE was the reason I had brought along the third book. When I got back to the car, three hours later (the time flew by as we meandered through various subjects) I noticed a message on my phone from another friend who had inspired the term Bliss Mistress,  with his beautiful feedback on the book. He too sounded like a proud papa.

As I consider all of the people in my life, I note that they, in one way or another, fit neatly in response to those questions Rob asked at the start of this entry. If I listed them one by one,  it would take hours or even days to express.   I feel loved brilliantly by them and I offer it back to them with grace and tenderness.

My cup runneth over as I indulge in ‘an orgy of appreciation’~

Kind and Generous by Natalie Merchant


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