What does happiness mean to you?  In my mind and heart, it is a sense of contentment even when ‘all’s ‘ not feeling right in the world. It’s about finding my way through the maze of emotions that sometimes feels like a hall of funhouse mirrors distorting  ‘reality’ and hiding the truth. It’s about looking fear and doubt straight in the eye and sticking my tongue out at it…with a ‘so there’  flair. And if I’m not recognizing my happiness, it is beacause I have been erroneously seeking it outside myself. I have come to learn that it is an inside job and that the people I attract and the experiences I bring into my life are but reflections of my own state of being.
Back in 2001, I began teaching a workshop with my friend Peter, called Happiness Is Just The Icing, Joy is The Cake.  The idea was that although icing can be sweet, it is also fleeting. The cake which is more substantial, represents the concept of pure joy…beyond happiness, beyond reason. What if you were to immerse in joy juice, so that regardless of the fickle nature of fate,  you could maintain your balance?
Often I ask myself and my clients, “How is what you’re doing, working for you?”  If I am content, truly happy and blissfull, then the action  steps I take,  are working for me,. If not, just like my GPS does when I make a different  turn than what is expected, I need to recalculate.  The diagram above is an ideal map for the process of not only finding happiness, but fully living and breathing it.
http://youtu.be/qkZxk_eMeS0  Happiness Runs In A Circular Motion  by Donovan


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