
What do you love about your life?  What lights you up from the inside and turns you into a human sparkler?

That question is a no brainer for me since there is so much to love. I count my blessings multiple times throughout any given 24 hour period. I am delighted that I have loving family and friends, creative flow, a lovely home, a reliable Jeep, this computer that helps me to communicate my thoughts with the world, ever growing good health (coming up on my third cardiaversary on June 12th), right livelihood work that pays me well, a persistent Muse who is always whispering ideas in my ear. I am never bored and frequently fascinated. I enjoy my FREE Hugs work/play and wish I could do it every day.

When I am focused on the light, there is little room for darkness to take hold. Certainly, there are times when the Bliss Mistress gets the blues. I think of them as low energy moment, when my love tank gets a quart low and I reach out to loved ones to help fill it. Don’t get me wrong; in no way am I saying that others are responsible for my happiness and it helps to have people who can help you when you are feeling less than high octane energetic. For me, that is a near consistent state.

I asked friends those same questions and found myself lit up by their responses:

“Being able to make someone else smile.”

“Being part of a music ensemble and spreading the joy.”

“My family!”

“Dancing, kissing and other physical connection, cooking for people I love, deep conversations about feelings and relationships and other things that matter! Eye contact. Touch. Appreciation.”

“Photographing awesome moments, and Ruth Anne (Jason’s wife).”

And returning the compliment….”Travel, painting, Scripting For Success, my sweetheart Jason.”


“Me! Seeing people reach their goals and travel!”

“That I’ve been blessed with an inner knowing and that if I really listen to that voice, the guidance will always be for the highest good.”

“When my honey looks me in the eye and says, ” I just love you so much, my queen”. It makes me feel all warm and toasty… Just saying.”

“You know that answer. I’ve been at it for 30 years now.” ( singer-songwriter and environmental activist, known as Eco Man)

“My grandbabies.”

“Speaking, facilitating, writing.”

Stephanie, Steve, my pets, friends, my backyard, work and home..”

“My granddaughter.”

“Much as I love my musical life, I am head over heels about poetry, writing and learning about it.”

“My children — Elizabeth and Patrick!! They’re very independent and happy.”

“Besides my family (they are my beacons), it’s been 2 things – music (singing) and science.”


“The unknown trips my trigger! The anticipation of what tomorrow may bring, makes me feel alive!!!”

“When people really feel the healing energies of our sacred Earth!”

“The face of someone accomplishing something they thought impossible.”

“Art, Dance, Planting”

“Life Coaching. I get energized by it and completely lose track of time. That’s how I know it’s what I’m supposed to be doing!”

“Heart connection with others.”


Shine on!




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