

Death has generally been viewed as the enemy with frightening images of the Grim Reaper; scythe  in hand, scooping us up and taking us away from the people and things we love. What if it wasn’t like that at all?  What if it was a journey to another realm; one of light and love, of grace and ease, lessons learned and messages integrated?

It occurred to me recently that I had heard a story about various exit points that can occur in our live- portals, if you will, that allow us to ‘leave the building.’ Although I have never had the typical NDE (near death experience), I have had several ‘near misses’ in auto accidents, had an ectopic pregnancy in 1992, during which I hemorrhaged and required emergency surgery and then the recent heart attack. At none of those points did I fear death. It isn’t that I welcome it. It is that when my time comes, I will be ready to roll. I know that love awaits me, as it does you. I am certain that those who have already crossed over are waiting patiently for me to show up. What a party that will be!

I am becoming increasingly aware of the preciousness of life; so as not to waste time fretting over what I can’t control. Every moment I spend feeling angry because people smoke and then toss their cigarette butts on the ground as if the clean up faerie is going to magically disappear them, is one wasted. I know that I can’t make them stop. My grrrring about it inside my head is only taking up space that could better used in other ways. I know that in order for the world to become a more peaceful place, I need to contribute my peace.

When I have sat by the bedsides of those who have passed, such as those of my husband and father, or friends and patients in my professional life, I have felt honored to have witnessed the transition from this realm to the next. I liken it to being a midwife on the other end of the life spectrum. There has been a sense of serenity as they let go of that which is letting go of them. Listening for the next breath that could be their last is like going on a journey that will only take me so far. I then step back and watch them cross over a threshold over which I may not yet pass, but someday will.

I saw a wondrous video that beautifully highlights this idea.

 Leave A Little Light On by James

Photo Credit- Art of Dharma Ainslie Henderson


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