Children are like little sponges who soak up the environmental essence that surrounds them.  Joyfully, if they are immersed in love and nurturing, they grow and thrive, their brilliant colors emerging from them. Sadly (and sometimes tragically), if they are immersed in criticism, derision and violence whether verbal or phyisical, they may fail to thrive on all levels. In the past few years in particular, I have, with gratitude, been beautifully aware of how blessed I was to have been raised by parents who recognized that dynamic. Someone asked me today  how I found my way through some pretty dark and scary metaphorical forests that included the deaths of my husband and both parents as well as a few friends over the years, financial challenges, relationship shifts, job challenges and health issues. My immediate answer was that my parents provided solid role models for bouncing back like being on a trampoline. My father would often say “If that’s the worst thing that ever happens to you, you’ll be ok.”, in the midst of adolescent angst. It felt dismissive at times, but in retrospect, it was empowering and reinforcing that I would indeed make it through whatever might emerge. They invited me to play and work in equal measure. They encouraged respect of others and myself; knowing that both are important.  I respected them out of love and not fear. The provided a safe haven for exploration of the world; knowing that there was always a home in the heart to which I could return. I was grateful to have had them into my 50’s and to this day, appreciate who they continue to be in my life from the other side; my most ardent cheerleaders.

Listen in to this song, written by Fred Small and questions with me what the lives of everyone on the planet would be like if they heard these words. Everything Possible by Fred Small

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