Sharon Begley, author of “Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain” explains how training your thoughts actually changes the hard matter of your brain. She writes, “Something as seemingly insubstantial as a thought can affect the very stuff of the brain, altering neuronal connections in a way that can treat mental illness, or perhaps, lead to…

Have you ever compared the way you shout at yourself with the way you speak to a friend? My therapist reminds me of that dichotomy almost every session. So I’m trying very hard to catch myself, and be a little more gentle to she who stares back at me in the mirror. To view the…

This video was taped last summer, but its message is evergreen.There is a reason why most psych wards integrate occupational therapy (which I’ve come to call “recess”) into their programs. Believe it or not, painting that ugly bird house takes your mind off your agony, if only for a few minutes until the patient next…

You may all remember this video from awhile back. I thought I’d republish it today because its visualization about the doors into your conscious self is another great way of processing harmful words that tend to get the snowball of depression off and rolling. To view my YouTube video, click here.To read more Beyond Blue,…

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