I actually taped this video awhile back. Some of you may have already seen it. Even though it’s not a great shot of me, the video’s message, on perseverance, is important, I think. And that’s the theme today. So I hope you can get past the ugly green background and my messy hair. * Click here…

Another way to make your spouse understand your bipolar disorder is to watch the video I taped a few months back with Eric and Dick (husband of guardian angel Ann) on what it’s like being married to a manic depressive. Every time I watch this video I learn something new. Maybe you will too. Here…

You may want to rent the movie “Austin Powers” before you watch my video on mini-me. You’ll appreciate my logic a tad more. But even if you haven’t watched the flick marketed toward adolescents or anyone with an adolescent sense of humor, I think you will benefit from this visualization exercise.Use caution when trying it…

I thought I’d review Stephen Covey’s four-quadrant model of time management, the one he explains in “The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People.” Maybe this time it will stick for me! To view my YouTube video, click here. To read more Beyond Blue, go to http://blog.beliefnet.com/beyond_blue, and to get to Group Beyond Blue, a support…

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