Beliefnet just featured an excerpt from O, The Oprah Magazine, about obsessive thoughts, which included several good pointers. You can get to the gallery by clicking here. It begins …. Ruminating regularly often leads to depression. So if you have trouble letting things go or find yourself tossing and turning at all hours of the…

If you ever have a hard time, um, calming yourself down, take a look at my Beliefnet gallery featured on the main page, “7 Quick Ways to Calm Down.” It begins …. I’m easily overwhelmed. When my kids’ exuberant screams reach a decibel level my ears can’t tolerate, when Chuck E., the life-size “rat” at…

According to NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness): Bipolar Disorder Awareness Day was created by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), originally supported by a grant from Abbott Laboratories, to increase awareness of bipolar disorder, promote early detection and accurate diagnosis, reduce stigma, and minimize the devastating impact on the nearly 6 million Americans…

During this hiatus from the online world, I realized that all the information I force feed myself during a normal workday is as unhealthy for me as fast food. Now that I’m back to my desk, I don’t want to go back to my old habits of processing everything that appears on my screen. I…

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