Sphere Of Influence

Sphere Of Influence

When you were knit in your mother’s womb, God gave you a SPHERE of influence. Sphere meaning: An extent to which your knowledge, social position, insights, dominion, arena and power would GROW THE MOST.

We are 100% in control of what we do with our sphere of influence.

Now the “Boot Camp” starts and trust me, your sphere and your promises from God comes with TERRITORY you are supposed to invade to help change the world. To help others be stronger, to impart into others great encouragement and power. THIS is why the enemy fights you.

Remember to draw from what GOD has already given you. Don’t perform. Don’t overcompensate. Don’t agree with all the labels, voices and messages of your past. AGREE with God that your sphere of influence comes with power, grace, ability and insight.

Then…. do everything you can to grow that. Invest into yourself. Get new friends. Keep short accounts. Forgive quickly!

You are POWERFUL. Agree with heaven and strengthen your sphere of influence.

With love,

Sandi Krakowski


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