Cancer takes a horrible toll on the body, so perhaps we can crack a smile when we find examples of the soul remaining defiantly intact — even if it is the potentially-damned soul of someone who doesn’t believe in such nebulous things? Check out notorious atheist Christopher Hitchens’ love letter to the fire-and-brimstone responses he’s heard…

Here’s the clip of my appearance on Fox & Friends this morning, briefly discussing why I think the 9/11 NYC bus ads against Park51 (formerly called Cordoba House, inaccurately smeared as the “Ground Zero Mosque”) are bad advertising at best, grossly offensive at worst. They had me debating Pamela Geller, of Stop Islamization of America. The…

There were a lot of quirky religion news stories with serious undertones this week, ranging from a cussing Catholic priest ministering to Mexican gangsters to the appointment of a Muslim mayor in a strongly Orthodox Jewish suburb of New York City. Iran even banned the mullet, among other decadent “un-Islamic” Western men’s hairstyles. But, I’ve got to give…

My much-hyped (in certain circles) interview with Stephen Prothero, author of God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World — And Why Their Differences Matter, is now up at The Huffington Post. Check it out. Basically, I had expressed some doubts about Prothero’s premise after watching him on The Colbert Report a few…

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