Five days after being admitted to a North Carolina hospital with pneumonia, the Rev. Billy Graham has been released from the hospital, and is now resting comfortably at his mountain home. Meanwhile, is Lady Gaga trying to be the next generation’s Graham — reaching out to millions (she’s now the most followed user on Twitter)…

It’s Friday the 13th, so whether you’re scared or skeptical about this “unlucky” day, check out this CNN Belief Blog piece by Stuart Vise about the superstition. Now, if you’re ready for some fun, check out this “Yahweh or No Way” clip from Tuesday’s Colbert Report, chalking up Osama bin Laden’s death as a miracle from…

Check out this field report about interfaith cooperation from last night’s Daily Show With Jon Stewart, in which correspondent-comedian John Oliver plays the role of a conservative Christian confused by a Virginia church allowing Muslims to pray in its multi-purpose room. (Seems like old news to me, but I guess Canada’s “Little Mosque on the Prairie” hasn’t aired in most…

Holy Wednesday, indeed: there’s so much random faith-related news on this hump day, the only way I can do it justice it to give you a top 5 list: Day of remembrance: 1 year after Gulf oil disaster (AP) Charter review will look at Philadelphia abuse situation, bishop says (Catholic News Service) Obama’s confession of…

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