I have a love-hate relationship with social media these days. One year I gave it up for Lent, and I should have just kept driving in that direction. It’s a time sink of the worst order — a veritable black hole. Not to mention how it saps energy! (And creativity…) That’s the bad news. The love part…

This is my mantra lately. I’m backing out of my ‘commitments’ to try to squeeze in some time just to think. The problem w/not working outside the home is that people assume you don’t work at all. They don’t see ‘everyday life’ as work. And maybe for others, it isn’t. But what I’m finding is…

It’s hard for me to convince people I’m an introvert. Most of the time (if it comes up at all), I just let them think what they will. I know how much time it takes me to recover from any ‘gig’ — whether it’s a holiday tea or a professional meeting. And if it’s staying…

Last night’s dinner was brought to its happy eaters by creativity. Experience, as well. And a huge helping of why not try this? And now I’m wondering why that attitude doesn’t work for me in more venues… I had great organic chicken — bought on a spur-of-the-moment visit to the brand-new Trader Joe’s (we are officially…

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