As Valentine’s Day approaches hearts turn to notions of romantic love. But, as shown in Fifty Shades of Gray, love doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone, and there are at least as many shades of love as there are people in the world. In the Middle Ages the art of courtly love became popular.…

In the corporate and political worlds power and getting it become major preoccupations. The human desire for power is about wanting to be in control. It seems strange that those who are most obsessed with power and control can rarely, if ever, control their own thoughts, feelings, and destinies. Think of Napoleon, a real control-freak…

This past summer after 13 years of following a vegetarian diet I began to eat fish again. I’d fallen ill and found myself so depleted that my body could not get the necessary nutrients from vegetable proteins. Over the years of my spiritual practice I’ve noticed that different wisdom traditions prescribe different eating practices. Some…

“Crisis offers a possibility to awaken as a participant in conscious evolution.” – Barbara Marx Hubbard “Crisis has been a part of evolution of the species since its conception,” says Barbara Marx Hubbard. Hubbard is a futurist and evolutionary thought leader who is working with people to make it through the incredible shift that she…

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