Awake in the World

Anchoring in one’s Self during the storms and trials is a way to stay centered during the rush of the day. In Native American traditions, the circle is a powerful symbol of wholeness. The Plains Indians used medicine wheels made of stones laid out on the earth as ways to connect with the sacred in…

When I was a child, not a meal passed when we didn’t “say grace.” Someone , usually my father, would take a meaningful pause. We would all bow our heads and he would begin, “Thank you for this meal that you have put before us.” The prayer only lasted a minute and as a child…

By Debra Moffitt Author, Awake in the World: 108 Practices to Live a Divinely Inspired Life The recent catastrophe in Japan has shown us the power of self-sacrifice in a way unfamiliar to us in recent history. When the earthquake and tsunami shook the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant the Japanese people set examples of civility,…

Can you believe it? Laughter can be a spiritual practice. We tend to take anything spiritual with such seriousness that we lose our sense of humor. Humor is spiritual. Think of the laughing Buddhas in the East, and I can easily imagine that Jesus was a very charming man with a great sense of humor…

The highest form of happiness is contentment. The media and our consumer society often play on discontent. They show us images of what life could be if we were something better or if we only had something more. But contentment is about being in the moment and being present with one’s Self and with the…

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