Awake in the World

Life is an adventure. Explore it. Opening the heart can become an adventure. Recently a friend wrote to me in a state of shock. She was on her way to the hospital for a surprise – open heart surgery. I felt her shock even through the email. It’s always difficult to know what to say,…

“Love is neither sentiment nor emotion. Love is energy.” – Sathya Sai Baba Some of my best and greatest teachers have been embodiments of love. They teach through example. My grandmother, Eva, gave me good lessons. Regardless of my childish and often egocentric ways she’d always wrap me in her thick, warm arms and give…

The level of mind at which we function can have a huge impact on our lives and on the lives of those around us. Remember Einstein’s comment, “The problems we face cannot be resolved at the same level of mind at which we created them.” So how do we go beyond and get into the…

The kitchen offers one of the best and most creative places for practicing mindfulness. Many mindfulness practices are done in yoga studios or meditation rooms where everything is designed to be calm and peaceful. This is a nice way to begin the practice of meditation, but real meditation starts to take place when it’s intimately…

We make choices everyday to be a zero and make no effort or to become spiritual heroes to ourselves and those around us.Elevated souls like the Buddha, Jesus, Ramakrishna, Mohammad, Krishna and Guru Nanak were all spiritual superheroes. They approached life’s many challenges with love, compassion and Self-confidence. From the point of view of a…

“The key questions for today’s managers and leaders are no longer issues of task and structure, but are questions of spirit.” – Jack Hawley, Reawakening the Spirit in Work Most of us spend eight or more hours a day at work. What if anything does the job have to do with spiritual life? Everything. Many…

Who am I? Where have I come from? And where am I going? These three questions open doors to spiritual self-discovery. We often get so caught up in material life that we begin to identify with our possessions, our jobs and our roles in relationships. Whether we become aware of it or not, we often…

“For me, there is no real power without spiritual power. A power that comes from the core of who you are and reflects all that you were meant to be. A power that’s connected to the source of things.” – Oprah Winfrey Oprah is one of the world’s great contemporary inspirations. She expresses her power…

The kitchen offers one of the best and most creative places for practicing mindfulness. Many mindfulness practices are done in yoga studios or meditation rooms where everything is designed to be calm and peaceful. This is a nice way to begin the practice of meditation, but real meditation starts to take place when it’s intimately…

When one tugs at a single thing in Nature, he finds it hitched to the rest of the universe.” — John Muir While BBQ ribs, burgers, hotdogs and steaks may be part of the summer grill-out fun, try something different. Go vegetarian for a day. It’s a way to be kind to Mother Earth, cut…