Awake in the World

We’ve explored deep into the seas, far out into outer space and yet we often don’t know what’s inside our own hearts and minds. This is the final frontier of unchartered territory. There’s a wonderful Indian story that reveals the mystery of it.  In the beginning of time God tried to determine where to hide.…

Comfort can be a trap. It’s not because we’re comfortable with things that they’re necessarily good for us. One may get used to a shoe that rubs the foot or a bad smell, but that doesn’t make it good or right.  When we’re truly dedicated to pursuing a spiritual life the universe conspires to accelerate…

In spiritual traditions there is a great emphasis on the masculine without many feminine role models. We’re familiar with Jesus, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammad, Rama. But the enlightened women, goddesses and saints remain played down and often pushed aside altogether. In many spiritual traditions women have been considered dirty, bad, evil, corrupters, and sources of…

During break up, separation and divorce, we are tested to the extreme.  Through relationship challenges we gain a chance to test the depth of our spiritual practice. It becomes an opportunity to use the practices and live the situation fully aware and awake. If the practices are well integrated, then we can reflect and act…

No one knows what’s better for you than you do. So why do we seek outside for help? Sometimes those around us can reflect back what our hearts are whispering. Friends and family can put into words things that we know intuitively about a direction to take or something we need to act on. But…

Have you ever noticed how someone can walk into a room and brighten up the place? The atmosphere lightens, you feel sunnier and everything seems better. The opposite also holds true. Some people can walk into an office or your house and suddenly it feels like a hurricane hit or dark clouds came pouring in.…

In today’s fast paced society, we rarely take time out to address feelings related to loss. When a parent, friend, colleague or pet passes we quickly rush to the next thing to patch up the sense of unease and fill the void that’s left in their absence. But the heart needs time to mend. Left…

Using a centering prayer or mantra to focus the mind is an ancient practice that continues to bring peace and fulfillment. It helps to uplift the mind when all around are filled with worry and fear.  Using a centering prayer or mantra is easy. Choose a word or divine name that you wish to focus…

Back in April of 2008 I woke up with a dream where I saw an economic machine that was broken from top to bottom. I knew that hard economic times were coming and I told my husband to sell his stocks. I’d not ever given him stock advice before, but I felt so strongly that…

An ideal way to make inner sacred space manifest in the world is to create an altar. The word altar comes from Latin and literally means “to lift up.” An altar is a physical place to put images and objects that lift up the mind to spiritual heights.  Nearly every spiritual tradition uses some form…

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