The omkara is the manifestation through sound of the highest consciousness or highest light.  Practice of the repetition of Om or Omkara elevates the mind and raises the vibrations. It helps to focus on and calm the wayward mind. The Om symbol,  represents the various states of consciousness. This practice of repeating the twenty-one Oms, …

If you’ve ever looked at a mountain from the bottom before climbing it, the trek can appear to be a daunting task. But miraculously, by taking one step at a time, the miles lead you to the peak.  Running will bring burnout, but going at a slow, steady pace brings endurance. When the new year…

I don’t know about you but each December 31st I seem to make resolutions and by the end of the following week I can barely recall them. So this year I’ve decided to trade them in for values. By focusing on a few values that really call to me to explore them in depth I…

In the New Year there are some surefire ways to be assured of a mediocre 2013. 1) Hold on to self-defeating habits. If you’re like me you know you need to do certain things to stay fit and keep in balance. Moving beyond self-defeating habits like overeating or negative thinking will improve chances of greater well-being and…

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