During break up, separation and divorce, we are tested to the extreme.  Through relationship challenges we gain a chance to test the depth of our spiritual practice. It becomes an opportunity to use the practices and live the situation fully aware and awake. If the practices are well integrated, then we can reflect and act…

An ideal way to make inner sacred space manifest in the world is to create an altar. The word altar comes from Latin and literally means “to lift up.” An altar is a physical place to put images and objects that lift up the mind to spiritual heights.  Nearly every spiritual tradition uses some form…

The tongue has the power to create wounds that may never heal. Like a sharp knife it can cut through another’s spirit and cause deep injuries. But once the harsh, angry words have flown to the mark, they can’t be retrieved or erased. The mind of the receiver may pick them up and mull them…

Dance can elevate a soul to the divine. When the Sufi mystic, Rumi walked through the market, he heard the jewelry makers hammering gold. Through the pounding, he heard the voice of God and the rhythmic sounds and energy moved him into a state of divine ecstasy. Rumi, always in love with God and seeing…

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