Money comes and goes. Character comes and grows. Money, too often, becomes the central focus of all of life. It becomes the be all and end all of existence. We need it for essentials, but should not let pursuit of it dictate our lives. Sometimes life takes unexpected turns and the money disappears. Those people…

In India, a dear teacher repeated often, “Ananda (Sanskrit for Joy or Bliss) is your true nature.” It’s sometimes hard to believe this when life is whirling all around throwing out difficult situations, breaking your heart and disrupting your best plans. But the trick lies in going beneath the surface. When we’re attached to superficial…

Once confined to ancient cathedrals, labyrinths are popping up in unexpected places as tools for creativity, healing, reconciliation and meditation.  Using labyrinths can reduces stress, aid in problem solving, build communities and replace more static practices like sitting meditation.  The American Psychological Association headquarters in Washington, D.C. placed one in its roof top meditation garden…

  This we know …  The earth does not belong  to man; man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites one family. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web he does to himself.  – Native…

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