“It is amazing that something so beautiful will be destroyed. But then again, that is the story of our lives.” — Woman who watched the creation of a sand mandala Tibetan Buddhist monks spend days creating exquisite sand mandalas only to destroy them. They draw out elaborate geometric patterns on a platform then tap out…

Zen Buddhist author, Natalie Goldberg teaches a form of walking meditation in her writing workshops. She instructs people to coordinate each step with a breath as a way to become more aware and present. The pace of walking slows significantly and becomes a moving meditation. Meditation at its best and highest is conscious living in…

Life is an adventure. Explore it. Opening the heart can become an adventure. Recently a friend wrote to me in a state of shock. She was on her way to the hospital for a surprise – open heart surgery. I felt her shock even through the email. It’s always difficult to know what to say,…

“Love is neither sentiment nor emotion. Love is energy.” – Sathya Sai Baba Some of my best and greatest teachers have been embodiments of love. They teach through example. My grandmother, Eva, gave me good lessons. Regardless of my childish and often egocentric ways she’d always wrap me in her thick, warm arms and give…

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