Awake in the World

If you’re feeling hemmed in and know that there’s much more to you than what you’re currently experiencing but don’t know quite how to access it, then “Leap of Perception,” by Penney Peirce deserves a read. Penney wrote about working with dreams and intuition long before working with either became common. Through her simple, guided…

The things we need arrive at the right time, and so it has been with Mark Nepo and his work. For those of us on a spiritual path, Mark’s writings possess the power to immediately move us into connection with a subtle and powerful awareness at the deepest, most soulful level. Though Mark Nepo‘s writing…

Can you feel the excitement in the air? The days are hot and sunny, and summer officially begins this week on June 21st. It’s the longest day and the shortest night in the Northern hemisphere. I love this day. In the South of France it’s celebrated by jumping over bonfires as a way to gain courage…

Stepping onto the spiritual path isn’t all peace and roses. It pushes us into a place that moves us beyond our usual comfort zone. As we attune to the highest within us and listen to inner guidance, that guidance sometimes pushes us to try new jobs, to stretch into new creative projects, and to sometimes…

Even though I’m a seasoned traveler I still get stressed before trips. It’s not big jitters, just a general anxiety about: 1) Did I pack everything? 2) Will my travel connections go smoothly? And 3) What about the unexpected? Movement brings agitation. Sitting in meditation is easiest for me for quieting the mind. But as…

We make choices everyday to be a zero and make no effort, or to become spiritual heroes to ourselves and those around us. Elevated souls like the Buddha, Jesus, Ramakrishna, Mohammad, Krishna and Guru Nanak were all spiritual superheroes. They approached life’s many challenges with love, compassion and Self-confidence. From the point of view of…

Do you think that you need someone else to make you happy? Why not marry yourself instead? Nadine Schweigert, a woman in South Dakota who had been through a divorce created a wedding ceremony to marry herself. If that sounds strange to you, then maybe you’ve never abandoned your true Self. But if you’re like…

Writing can help to heal the heart. Research related to health and wellness has proven that writing is a way to face illness and grow. I first learned about this through Dr. John Evans, who created Wellness & Writing Connections conferences and workshops. Inspired by Dr. James Pennebaker’s research on how writing can help people…

If you let your soul dress you up, what would you look like? Would your soul choose different clothes and ask you to dress or style your hair differently? Sally Miller is a soul stylist, she helps people to connect with their soul-Self and make life choices from this deep place. So how’s the soul’s…

Joseph Campbell suggested that when we “find our bliss” and it will lead us to where we need to be. Bliss goes beyond happiness. Everyone wants to find happiness. Happiness is good. It’s a wonderful feeling that comes from buying a new dress or eating an ice cream cone. It may be connected with having…