Any time someone does something completely bizarre and out of character, it’s always makes me want to look at their astrological chart. Often we have subconscious elements that we are able to keep in the “basement” of our psyche until one day something begins to stir the pot and those buried parts of ourselves make…

From Universe Today: One of the great outstanding questions in science is known as the “theory of everything”. What underlying laws of physics explain the forces we see in nature? Are gravity and electromagnetism the same force? One popular theory is known as string theory, and proposes that everything in the Universe is made up…

A column by David Brooks the other day intrigued me when he wrote about students he taught at Duke University last fall, calling them “Children of Polarization”: Today’s college students, remember, were born around 1987. They were 2 or 3 when the Berlin Wall fell. They have come into political consciousness amid impeachment, jihad, polarization…

Our friend Ursi once again delights and amazes with this beautiful article on Renaissance astrology and magic which was taken from Christopher Warnock’s excellent site on the subject. Christopher tells us that for Renaissance astrologers, the planets were the link between the mundane life on earth and the magical realm of the angelic hierarchies. For…

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