(Unedited) Question submitted via Facebook: “It’s been wonderful to discover you … this is my problem and I’m afraid I’m so close to a breakdown… please help. I fell in love with my boss and had a strange relationship with him for 3 years … he has now moved on with another prettier colleague. I am…

(Unedited) question submitted via Formspring.me: “I feel bad when I see my ex happy. I wanted to be happy before him. I am not happy. He has moved on and I can’t. Advise?” Los Angeles is quite possibly the most superficial place on Earth, so both jealousy and envy are quite common, but by no means…

The video below answers these questions submitted via Formspring.me Part 1: Hi Dave, I’m a 31 year old female, and I’ve never dated, or kissed anyone. It’s not that I haven’t ever been asked out. I am a bit overweight, but I don’t think that is it. Cont- Part 2: I’ve always been a goals oriented…

Question submitted via Facebook: “Hi Dave, you are really great and I love you! :o) I just watched the video on emotions and you are right about love patterns that we learn from our parents. I’m a happy optimistic person and have been working on myself for years. :o) The problem is that I tend to…

Questions submitted via Formspring: “I have deep seated guilt issues which have made my self esteem lead me down paths of bad relationships and walking away from the only decent relationship of my life. How do I rid the guilt to start again on this decent relationship?” In all my Coaching work, I have found guilt…

“Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” -Lao Tzu Now we’ve let go of the past, and figured out how to feel good all the time, now lets figure out what we are going to create with this new power! I…

“Here is a test to find out if you mission on Earth is finished: if you are alive, it isn’t.” -Richard Bach On February 11, 2012, one-time singing sensation Whitney Houston died of a rumored (although as of yet unconfirmed) drug over dose. According to CBS News: “Whitney Houston, who ruled as pop music’s queen…

“He who angers you, conquers you” -Elizabeth Kenny I have a confession to make: Los Angeles can *kind of * get under your skin. When you come here, it seems like it’s full of negative people, but that’s not really the truth. The fact is, the people here are all MASSIVELY self absorbed. So, once…

“A true friend is one soul in two bodies.” -Aristotle In the video below, I give several pointers on how to be a good friend, how to know when a relationship has run it’s course (or worse, turned toxic), and how to ‘break up’ when necessary. So I’d rather talk here about how to be…

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal” -Earl Nightingale Los Angeles is a wonderland. Actually, Disneyland, the happiest place on earth, is right here! (OK…Disneyland is just south of Los Angeles in Anaheim, but we take credit for it.) For the most part, it is the center of the universe in terms of…

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