Angels on Your Shoulder

Fear is always about something that isn’t in the moment. Our fear is always about something that might happen or something we think has already happened.

Whatever we focus our attention on we get more of, so if we focus on fear we create more fear. What if we say yes to love instead?

Fear causes us to say and do things we normally wouldn't do and often those actions cause us embarrassment and shame.

Fear is an odd thing. It can make monsters where there are none and causes people to do unconscionable things.

When I have a hard time falling asleep I imagine myself wrapped in the loving arms of my angles, snuggle into their wings and usually immediately fall asleep.

Fear or faith, suffering or expansive acceptance, limitations or alignment with our limitless nature. Those are all choices we make in the moment, thought by thought. Love or fear.

The key to overcoming fear is staying in the moment but how do we do that when fear is screaming at us, demanding our attention?

Fear doesn't allow us to see the perfection of ourselves and in life. Fear causes us to judge what is rather than embrace it, accept it and love it.

In the absence of fear there is love, expansion, hope, faith, happiness and joy. In the face of fear they all disappear and we are left disappointment, despair and misery.

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